Toronto Family Law Firm Services

Family law lawyers handle issues that involve personal relationships—divorce, parenting plans & decision making (previously known as child custody), child support, spousal support, property division, and much more. If you are experiencing a troubling family issue, M & Co. Law Firm can help. At M & Co. Law Firm we represent spouses, partners, children, guardians, and others who make up a family. We believe strongly in avoiding court when possible, therefore, we offer an array of dispute resolutions, including collaborative law, arbitration, mediation, and lawyer-led negotiation


High Net Worth Services

High net worth divorce typically involves combined assets valued at more than $5 million…


Grey Divorce

Grey divorce typically refers to couples who are “empty nesters” and who have been married for many years but have now made the difficult decision to separate…



Divorce is about moving forward and starting a new chapter. If you have settled all your other matrimonial issues or you are just starting the process, we are here to help you…


Collaborative Family Law

The goal of collaboratively family law is to allow those who are in the middle of a divorce or separation, to work in a collaborative manner with …


Separation Agreements

If you and your spouse are in agreement on the terms of your separation, you are free to put your decisions into a separation agreement…


Child Support

Child support is the financial support that parents must pay either by way of agreement or Court order. Child support is the right of the child and not the parents…


Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is the schedule, decision making and circumstances under which the parents will co-parent or parent in parallel…


Spousal Support

Spousal support payments may be owed from one spouse to the other, upon separation. Spousal support is not automatic like child support…


Property Division

Family property includes everything you own, your spouse owns or you own jointly on the date of separation. There is a presumption that family…


Cohabitation Agreement

A cohabitation agreement is a written agreement between a couple who chooses to live together but not marry…


Marriage Contract (Prenuptial Agreement)

Couples who are not yet married or who are already married can enter into a Marriage Contract. This is what people often refer to…